While people often view tooth loss as solely a cosmetic problem it actually represents a major issue. The loss of one tooth leads to a series of ensuing issues which compromise your eating and speaking abilities as well as your future oral health. Eventually, this leads to bone loss, tooth movement, jaw pain and even
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There is a myth if Dental Implants are truly permanent?” Our patients at Smile Angels of Beverly Hills frequently ask this question because they want a lasting solution for missing teeth. Due of advanced technologies, modern dental implants are often last a decades and even lifetime, if the patients properly care for them. In this
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If your dental crown has fell off, the first thing to know is, do not throw it away, because there is a possibility of its being cemented back. At Smile Angels of Beverly Hills, Dr. Bruce Vafa DDS, we’ve seen many patients have thrown away their dental crown, while we could easily cement the crown
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