The Psychological Benefits of a Beautiful Smile

The Psychological Benefits of a Beautiful Smile

Humans are tribal. The ability to smile at another human being in confidence is extremely beneficial to your ability to feel included. By offering a genuine smile, you can be incorporated into community. It’s interesting that many animals tend to show their teeth in aggression. Humans show their teeth in friendship.

The Mechanics of Smiling

A true smile goes from your mouth all the way up to your eyes. Those who smile without opening their lips may not be able to produce a real smile. Because smiling is a simple personal facelift, those embarrassed about their teeth miss out on this important personal communication.

A smile can make you look younger. You’re supposed to have crinkles around your eyes when you offer a genuine smile. A smile softens the look of folds and wrinkles. Your brain is also activated when you smile, generating a celebrationfueled by dopamine, serotonin and endorphins. You can take the edge off of a tough, stressful day by smiling at a stranger.

True Vs. False: What Your Smile Conveys

A smile that doesn’t show your teeth can appear false to the viewer. They may not appreciate the sincerity of your greeting. They may not trust what you have to say, even if your handshake is firm and your posture is confident.

Those who try to smile without showing their teeth can create a false or unengaged smile. A false smile can be crooked or out of balance. A balanced smile that shows your teeth shows happiness and indicates a true greeting.

An unbalanced smile can tell the people around you that you’re:

    • Insincere


    • Uncomfortable


    • Anxious


    • Detached or disconnected

Going to a party and displaying a closed, crooked smile tells people you don’t want to be there. It tells people that you’re really not engaged. If you’re struggling to build friendships or improve connections with your business contacts, a visit to the best dentist in Beverly Hills may open up your smile. This change can boost your confidence and make you look like the friendly person you are.

Crooked facial expressions, such as a one-corner smile or a raised eyebrow, tell others that you don’t believe them. This unintentional expression can put others in the conversation on the defensive. You may get stuck in conversations with people that either get belligerent or defensive because of your habit of hiding your teeth.

Ways to Improve Your Smile



If your teeth are crooked, braces can be used to straighten your teeth. However, not everyone is in a good position to get braces. Even invisible braces can impact your speech and make it tough to communicate effectively. Braces inside your teeth may be an option, but the costs may be prohibitive.


Another option is to add veneers. These are cosmetic shells that cover your teeth. They can disguise many conditions, including

    • Discoloration


    • Chipped or misshapen teeth


    • Crooked teeth

Before you book a visit to the best cosmetic dentist in Beverly Hills for a conversation about veneers, make sure your teeth are free of cavities. If you are dealing with gum disease or cavities, you’ll need to address that prior to getting veneers.

Make sure your teeth and gums are healthy before booking your appointment with the
veneers dentist in Beverly Hills. Veneers will not cover gaps, so if any teeth are missing, you may need to make a different plan to beautify your smile.


You may be hesitant to show your teeth when you smile because your teeth are discolored. It’s very important that you work with a dentist to whiten your smile as DIY whiteners can cause your teeth to be quite sensitive to extreme temperatures.

If you already have gum disease, tooth damage or misalignment that is making your teeth sensitive, whiteners may not work. In such cases, scheduling an appointment to brighten your smile with the best veneers dentist in Los Angeles can make it possible for you to smile and to still enjoy ice cream!

The ability to offer a big, balanced smile to another human is good for your brain and your socialization. We reconnect with loved ones and make new friends with our smiles. Because the human habit of teeth baring is a unique form of greeting, your confidence in your smile is a terrific investment.

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