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First, You Need to Know What a Root Canal Is and Why You Need One
A root canal is type of refined cleaning carried out after a pulpectomy. The pulp inside each tooth appears to provide strength and vitality by possibly aiding in the remineralization of the enamel from the inside. We know that teeth can become brittle and prone to fracturing after the pulp is removed.
What is the Main Purpose of Getting a Root Canal?
A root canal is necessary because the nerve has died and the roots are painfully infected. This happens when the tooth is damaged from decay or blunt force trauma. The pulp inside of the tooth then decomposes and becomes the ideal breeding ground for the bacteria to multiply.
When this happens, a dental abscess can form. This occurs when the hollow section of the tooth that housed the pulp fills with pus instead. The pus builds up pressure and releases acids that can form a hole and release the pus from the side of the tooth straight into the gums. It can also damage and infect the bone near the tip of the roots.
Signs that You May Need a Root Canal
If your teeth have darkened, you feel sharp biting pain from pressure, or you feel extended sensations of pain from hot or cold consumables, you need to consult a dentist as soon as possible. You may also see localized swelling and inflammation of the gums. There may be dark red discoloration surrounding the base of the infected tooth. The gums may feel itchy and irritated by the tooth. It is important to contact Smile Angels to determine whether you need a root canal or whether the tooth may be saved by antibiotics, fillings, and desensitization.
What Happens During a Root Canal?
Before a root canal procedure begins, X-Rays have to be taken to determine the extent of the infection and damage to the tooth. If the roots are rotted out, then there is no point in trying to save the tooth, an extraction is the only option. In any case, local anesthesia is used to numb the area. Although some endodontists only work on patients under sedation, most will allow the patient to remain conscious and alert through the procedure.
The endodontist must then drill an access hole into the center of the tooth. This allows them to begin the cleaning process that sterilizes the inside of the tooth and deep into the root canals. Special canal files are inserted into the full length of the tooth down into the tip of the roots in progressive diameters to scrub out the decaying pulp. A solution of water or sodium hypochlorite may be used to flush out the material. The remnant of the tooth is then sealed and filed down to cement a porcelain crown into place that replaces the function of the natural tooth.
When a Root Canal Fails, What Treatment Is Best?
Extraction of the tooth and replacement with false teeth or dental implants are the only alternatives if a root canal is not viable.
How Successful Are Root Canal Treatments?
It is unclear how successful root canals are across the board because there are different definitions of success. If a root canal is not done properly, the tooth will become reinfected, decay, and cause the tooth to disintegrate. A properly executed root canal can last a lifetime while the average may be 10 years or less.
Click here to learn more how much root canal cost in Los Angeles, CA