So maybe you or your child has been seen by an orthodontist or Los Angeles Invisalign provider. Based on their evaluation it looks like some form of advanced orthodontic treatment will be needed. While there are many options, the main choice boils down to one of two major options: Braces vs. Invisalign.
The two choices accomplish the same goal: a straighter, healthier, more beautiful smile. But the braces and Invisalign accomplish those goals in very different ways. This blog will serve as a comparison between these two orthodontic treatments. Hopefully after reading this, you’ll be better equipped to make a treatment decision for you or your child.
Cost of Invisalign Treatment
Cost is of course a major factor for many patients, including patients in our nearby cities of Beverly Hills, CA. Fortunately, our team at Smile Angels of Beverly Hills does it’s best to control costs, so price doesn’t necessarily have to be a factor at our office. Yes, you can find Los Angeles cheap Invisalign. Of course, all cases are different and one patient’s orthodontic needs will be unique to another. But in many cases, our office can provide braces or Invisalign at an affordable starting price, with the possibility of financing. So hopefully for most people reading this, cost won’t be a deterring factor for either treatment option.
After cost, the next biggest worry of many patients is how they will look while undergoing treatment. Obviously, there is a distinct look change with metal braces. This is not the case with Invisalign, which blends in with the patient’s smile thanks to clear plastic aligners. If a patient is leaning towards dental braces in Los Angeles, CA but may be worried about the look (a common issue with many adult business professionals), clear ceramic braces could make a good treatment option. These braces blend in better with the natural color of teeth. But for the most discreet aesthetic option, nothing beats Invisalign.
Treatment Time & Compliance
In order for any orthodontic treatment to be successful, patients must adhere to all care guidelines while at home and finish the treatment in the allotted time given by their orthodontist. That includes regular brushing and flossing, just as before, and also staying away from certain foods and drink that can cause problems, particularly with the metal brackets and wires in braces.
Invisalign users are lucky in that they can remove their appliances for easy eating, brushing and flossing, but there is still care required to keep your Invisalign trays in ship-shape. In fact, there may be more care steps involved with Invisalign than with braces. So what’s the trade off? While braces take an average of 2 years in treatment time, some Invisalign cases can be completed in much less time.
So whether you’re seeking Invisalign or dental braces in Los Angeles, California hopefully we’ve explored all possible comparisons in your orthodontic options. If you still need help deciding, by all means pick up the phone and call us for a consultation.