Heard about veneers from friends, your dentist, or your favorite model, but not quite sure what they are? We’ve put together a quick guide with everything you need to know about porcelain veneers so you can decide whether they’re right for you. What are veneers? Veneers are an extremely fine shell, usually made of porcelain,
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Lost a tooth? You don’t need to end the day with a gap weighing on your mind, so long as the condition of your gums, other teeth, and jaws support immediate treatment. Let’s take a closer look at what you need to know about same-day replacement. Conditions for immediate replacement First, let’s say that yes,
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Are you looking for immediate Dental Implants in Los Angeles, CA? Here’s a comprehensive guide to what they are, benefits and how to get them in Los Angeles, CA. Click here to learn more…
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