Brushing and Flossing 101: What Every Patient Should Know
In addition to visiting the dentist regularly, people should learn how to properly care for and maintain their oral health. Two of the primary ways to maintain a healthy mouth is brushing and flossing teeth correctly.
Proper brushing and flossing can enable your teeth to last for years. Not only do these actions keep the breath fresh, they also have been shown to prevent tooth decay and cavities.
Since these are daily routines, many people go through the motions and complete these activities without a second thought. In the midst of the morning rush, brushing and flossing are frequently done incorrectly and ineffectively.
Dr. Bruce Vafa, top Beverly Hills dentist, recommends that people learn and use the proper techniques of brushing and flossing. The benefits of brushing and flossing are experienced when done correctly. It is just as important as visiting the dentist twice a year for routine check-ups. Dr. Vafa recommends the following tips for successful brushing and flossing.
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