Articles posted by admin

Oral Diseases, Symptoms and Treatments

According to WHO, oral diseases affect nearly 3.5 billion people. That means that, for every two people, one has some kind of oral disease. For many countries and individuals, oral diseases are such a health burden. When an oral disease affects you, it causes so much pain, discomfort, teeth loss, and can even lead to

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Does Tooth Extraction Hurt?

There’s no way around the fact that tooth extractions can hurt. Dentists work hard to keep their patients comfortable. Yet, there comes a point where you can expect to feel some discomfort. Tooth extractions might hurt, but they are important. You might need to get a tooth pulled to treat tooth decay or gum disease.

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How Much Does Dental Bone Grafting Cost?

Dental bone grafting is a safe long-term solution when a person with good general health loses a tooth due to periodontal infections and injury. We commonly use dental implants with bone grafts for excellent results. The grafting procedure replaces and helps the lost bone regenerate naturally. In addition, a bone graft restores facial contour, especially

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Wisdom teeth removal cost in Los Angeles

How much is wisdom teeth removal? This isprobably the commonest question we receive from patients visiting our Smile Angels of Beverly Hills dental clinic. Luckily, we have just the answer. Your dental health is as important to us as it is to you. We wouldn’t like you to get lost trying to compare prices and

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What are the most common oral diseases

Generally, dental health is a crucial aspect of your overall well-being. Most common oral diseases result from unhealthy diets, tobacco use, and other habits that cause harm or tooth loss. Maintaining good health hygiene is a commitment that will help you avoid oral diseases. At Smile Angels of Beverly Hills, we have years of experience

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dental braces cost with insurance

How Much Are Braces With Insurance?

It is estimated that over 4 million people in the United States wear braces. People get braces for a variety of reasons, including jaw alignment, teeth straightening, and to relieve tension and pain. Braces can become very expensive though. You might be thinking, “does insurance cover braces?” Luckily, insurance can help with some of the

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dental implants safe

Are Dental implants Safe

Smile Angels of Beverly Hills has been helping patients with dental implants for a long time. Dental implants cost in Los Angeles have dropped over the years. A long time ago, only the wealthy could afford such procedures. Things are a lot different now. Most people can afford the procedure. However, does that mean it’s

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Is A Clicking Jaw a Sign of TMD?

Jaw clicking or popping is a problem that affects approximately 10 million people. If you have this condition, you get to experience some popping or clicking sound when opening or closing your mouth. In addition, the sounds may come with painful sensations on your jaw. In some cases, jaw clicking or popping may arise from

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