Emergency Dentistry During Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic
covid-19 Los Angeles emergency dentistry

Emergency Dentistry During Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic

24/7 Emergency Dentistry Los Angeles

We do our best to keep you safe and healthy. Based on the pandemic Covid-19 situation we have changed our office schedule and policy based on CDC and ADA recommendations.  Our offices in Beverly Hills and West Hollywood are open to treat your EMERGENCY DENTAL TREATMENTS only.  Please read the following guidelines and call all our emergency hotline at: (424)253-5152 To discuss about your condition and next appointment.

At your appointment we accept just one patient at lobby to respect the social distancing.

All the non-emergency and elective treatments are postponed.

coronavirus emergency dentistry Los Angeles

What are Dental Emergencies?

Dental emergencies are potentially life threatening and require immediate treatment to stop

  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Severe pain or infection
  • Cellulitis or a diffuse soft tissue bacterial infection with intra-oral or extra-oral swelling that potentially compromise the patient’s airway\]
  • Trauma involving facial bones, potentially compromising the patient’s airway
  • Severe dental pain from pulpal inflammation
  • Pericoronitis or third-molar pain
  • Surgical post-operative osteitis, dry socket dressing changes
  • Abscess, or localized bacterial infection resulting in localized pain and swelling
  • Tooth fracture resulting in pain or causing soft tissue trauma
  • Dental treatment required prior to critical medical procedures
  • Final crown/bridge cementation if the temporary restoration is lost, broken or causing gingival irritation.

coronavirus guide

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