General Dentistry

When Do You Need A Root Canal? Tips From Beverly Hills Root Canal Expert.

Tooth pain could have you searching for “root canal specialist near me”. We are all afraid of the dreaded root canal, but there is really nothing to be scared of. Many people have successful Los Angeles root canal treatment all the time, and their smiles are restored to perfection every day! 

You might be a candidate for a Beverly Hills root canal if you have a severely decayed or painful tooth. The reason for your pain is simple; the nerve inside your tooth has been compromised and is infected. Tooth decay is the biggest culprit of nerve damage, and untreated, the pain will only worsen, and the tooth will suffer more. If you are experiencing shooting pain in your tooth, or notice any of the symptoms will outline below, you need to seek Los Angeles root canal treatment. 

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root canal therapy Beverly Hills

Root Canal Cost in Beverly Hills – Average Cost of Root Canal and Crown

Root canals are typically the preferred treatment for a tooth that has severe decay that reaches the pulp, and you may need this type of dental procedure to ease symptoms of an infected tooth such as pain and swelling. Naturally, one of your biggest questions right now is regarding the average root canal cost in Beverly Hills. After all, you need to know that your treatment is affordable so that you can proceed with confidence as you restore your tooth. To understand what you should expect to pay for your tooth restoration, you can use this guide that details the factors regarding the cost such as what type of dental crown after root canal you need.

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Treating Receding gum in Los Angeles, CA

If you have noticed that your teeth look a bit longer than before, it may be a sign that your gums are receding. Various reasons cause gum recession. These reasons include brushing the teeth too hard and grinding teeth. Other reasons include the alignment of your teeth, lifestyle choices, gens, and oral care habits. However, you should know there is Beverly Hills gum recession treatment available. 

Since receded gums could affect your smile and your confidence, you might wonder whether it is possible to grow them back. While they will not grow again without some help, you can talk to your dentist and find out about the treatment options offered. In some cases, the gum recession can be prevented, corrected, or kept from worsening. 

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root canal therapy Beverly Hills

When Do I Need a Root Canal?

Often when many people experience a tooth problem, they wonder if they can get a root canal. Also known as endodontic therapy, a root canal is performed if dental decay causes inflammation of the nerve or the pulp of the tooth. Also, if the tooth cracks because of an accident or an injury, the procedure might be necessary. There are many doctors out there who can carry out the procedure, but our root canal dentist Los Angeles, CA expert can determine whether or not the issues you are facing warrants a root canal.

How is root canal procedure Los Angeles, Ca performed? During the process, our dentist will use a drill to carefully remove both the pulp and the nerve and cleans the tooth. This involves cleaning of the tiny nerves that branch from the main root. The dentist will then seal it up to ensure that it is free from further damage. This is after establishing whether you need one or not. Speaking of which, how do you know that you need a root canal?

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Failed root canal pain

Is My Cavity Need a Root Canal

Root canal is the treatment of a tooth that has experienced irreversible damage to an extent of damaging the tooth nerve. This type of damage can be caused by trauma to the nerve or decay. In such a situation, your Beverly Hills dentist may recommend that you get a root canal. Your dentist will remove the affected tooth pulp and may also remove the nerve from your tooth, and seal it completely to ensure that you don’t experience pain again in the future. The tooth nerve doesn’t serve any specific purpose other than sensing cold, heat, and any other stimuli. Therefore, removing the nerve in your infected tooth is necessary to treat the pain caused by the decay or infection in the tooth pulp.

Some Common Causes of Root Canal Damage:

  1. An abscessed tooth due to decay
  2. Death of the tooth due to age
  3. The decay has penetrated the enamel and dentin and has attacked the pulp and nerve within the root chambers and canal
  4. A broken or chipped tooth that has left the tooth nerve exposed
  5. Untreated trauma that may have occurred in the past and progressed with time
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wisdom teeth extraction Beverly Hills

All You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth – Wisdom Teeth Extraction 101

The wisdom teeth are the third and last set of molars to sprout. These teeth can sprout between ages 17 or as late as 25 years depending on a person. This timeframe can make it difficult on whether or not to have them removed. The best dentists in Beverly Hills will only recommend that you have them removed proactively if you are susceptible to impaction, crowding, or infection. However, some people keep their wisdom teeth and they sprout without any problem.

How do You Know If Your Wisdom Teeth Have Sprouted?

There is no better way to know whether you have wisdom teeth than visiting your Beverly Hills dentist. Not everyone is able to feel the symptoms and signs that are related to wisdom teeth, and waiting until your jaw swells and becomes too painful to chew is not the best idea. Wisdom teeth can also cause infection and gum disease even when they don’t break through the gum due to their position. Therefore, when dealing with wisdom teeth, the earlier you know about them, the better.

wisdom teeth extraction Beverly Hills

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