A Complete guide to Rotten Teeth Symptoms And Treatment Options
woman with tooth pain due to cavity

A Complete guide to Rotten Teeth Symptoms And Treatment Options

Current statistics indicate that about 60-90% of school-going children have experience with a bad tooth decay, rotten teeth, and other dental concerns. Additionally, almost every adult has visited their Beverly Hills dentist due to a bad tooth decay issue. By definition, rotten teeth are too damaged or too decayed teeth to the extent that warrants its extraction. Rotten teeth are a common occurrence in children who frequently eat sugary food. This article will highlight the symptoms and how to fix rotting teeth.

Neglecting your rotten teeth will interfere with your oral health. The decay may spread to other teeth leading to the loss of one or more teeth.What does a rotten tooth look like? Unfortunately, most individuals don’t know the symptoms that accompany rotten teeth. Visit Holistic dentist in Los Angeles or the Smile Angels of Beverly Hills for a dental checkup. You will have the chance to understand the status of your teeth. Take note of the following symptoms of rotten teeth:

Symptoms Of Rotten Teeth.

1. Dark-colored Teeth.

With teeth getting darker, there are high chances that rotting is taking place. Black spots over or on your teeth should worry you. In case you realize slight darkening on your teeth, promptly reach out to our dentists at Smile Angels of Beverly Hills for assistance. We will analyze, clean your teeth, and replace it when necessary.

The presence of a dark hue may indicate a seriously damaged dentin, root, and pulp. If the tooth is severely damaged, our dentists will have other options but extraction of the tooth to prevent the pathogenic bacteria’s spread to the remaining teeth.

2. Bad breath.

Excess bacteria in our mouth leads to halitosis. Even though the bacteria are the primary cause of tooth decay, it may also lead to corrosion in other body parts. Rotten teeth is associated with foul smell. If you notice that you are developing an unpleasant breath or a foul odor is originating from your mouth, there is a possibility of one rotten molar tooth or more rotten teeth.

Bad breath is one of the most apparent symptoms of rotten teeth. If you suspect rotten front teeth or rotten molar tooth, do not hesitate to reach out to us at Beverly Hills. We will analyze, clean, and fill your rotten broken tooth. Besides, we will manage the harmful tooth decay so that the unpleasant breath does not become a recurrent irritating factor.

4. Difference in the Size of the Tooth.

If you always examine your smile every morning or during routine oral hygiene, you will probably notice alteration in your teeth’ shape and sizes. The changes are a result of the bacteria damaging your tooth. They begin by damaging the outer layer before proceeding to the tooth enamel, and after that, inwards. Some of the early signs you will realize is the thinning of your teeth. The resultant effect of thinning is a reduction in the size of the tooth. If you neglect the rot and fail to seek dental care early enough, your teeth will proceed to reduce in size. You are becoming ore thinner as the decay exacerbates.

5. Sensitivity to Hot and Cold Beverages and Foods.

Even though sensitivity to foods and drinks with extreme temperatures is not a definitive diagnosis for a rotting tooth, it may indicate an underlying rot or a rotten broken tooth. The role of the enamel coat is to protect our teeth against such extremely cold or hot meals. A rotting tooth chews the enamel away, resulting in severe pain and over-sensitivity to the extreme temperatures.

6. Falling Teeth.

For your teeth to remain in place and healthier, they need ample support. Otherwise, the teeth may fall off. Severe rot leads to weakening of the teeth causing the fallout. Hence, teeth fall out may indicate that there exists an underlying corrosion in our teeth. Note that the decay starts at the enamel, proceeds to dentin, and then affects the pulp. Upon invading the pulp, little structure will be remaining. With no significant support left, your teeth will probably fall out.

Most importantly, remember that these symptoms accompanying a rotting tooth depends on the severity of the condition. Failure to seek dental care as soon as possible may cause a worsening of issues in dental health. In case you are worried about how to fix rotting teeth, contact our Holistic dentist in Los Angeles. The treatments are instrumental in preventing or stopping the rotting.

Complications Of Rotten Teeth.

What does a rotten tooth look like? Complications resulting from tooth-rotting may include abscesses, loss of teeth, infection, and pain in the teeth. Note that abscesses may predispose one to harmful conditions, including sepsis.

If you notice swollen jaws, swollen lymph, swollen gums, fever, and other symptoms associated with tooth-rotting, contact our dentists as soon as possible for medical assistance. Remember that the abscesses are responsible for the severe pain in the neck, jaw, and ear region. Besides, abscess leads to an unpleasant taste within your mouth as well as bad breath.

Treatment Options For Rotten Teeth.

Your dentist will recommend the most applicable treatment based on the severity of the rotten tooth. Treatment options for a rotting tooth include:

1. Tooth Extraction.

If the rot has caused severe damage to the teeth, your dentist may recommend tooth extraction to remove the rotten tooth. Of course, the dentist will begin by numbing the affected tooth first. After the successful removal of the decayed tooth, your dentist will probably recommend a post-extraction regimen. It is important to note that you may experience pain or swelling after the completion of extraction. It is normal to undergo such. However, if you experience exacerbating problems, excessive bleeding and swelling, vomiting, nausea, and fever, seek medical assistance as soon as possible.

2. Root Canals.

At times, our dentist may recommend a tooth canal instead of extracting the tooth. It is common, especially if the pulp is not damaged, and the dentists deem the tooth salvageable. The initial procedure resembles that of tooth extraction. Your dentist will have to numb the tooth before getting the pulp off to limit the pain sensation and make you comfortable.

Secondly, they will shape and clean the root canal within the tooth. Besides, your dentist may apply bactericidal medication on the tooth to kill any available bacteria. Following the bactericidal medication, the dentist fills the root canal using rubber-like substances before placing the crown to strengthen and restore it.

3. Fluoride Treatment.

Fluoride mineral strengthens the enamel. Your dentist may incorporate fluoride in various ways to repair the damages caused by the rotting teeth. Besides, your dentist may opt for fluoride treatment to your teeth directly. Professional fluoride treatment is quicker as it takes fewer minutes. Note that the fluoride ions are available in solution, foam, varnish, or gel.

4. Crowns.

As per the ADA, more resonant cavities caused by the rotten teeth may need a crown instead of filling. Before placing the crown, your dentist will have to remove your teeth’ outer part and any existing decay. The dentist takes the tooth’s impression. They will use a temporary crown to fit it before the permanent crown is ready. The process takes about one to two weeks to be complete.

5. Fillings.

Your dentist may recommend filling as a treatment plan in cases where the cavities develop due to rotten teeth. Upon completion of drilling on the tooth to do away with the decays, your dentist will shape the holes to suit the filling. After that, the dentist will fill the cavity using composite or dental amalgam.

If you, together with your dentist, realize tooth-rotting early enough, it is reversible. However, if it is recognized late with the enamel seriously damaged, self-repair may not be possible. At this point, a lot of minerals get lost, and the cavities will be available. At earlier stages, the dentist may stop the spread and assist you in correcting the already damaged parts. If you want to avoid rotten, broken teeth or rotten front teeth, practice healthy eating habits and excellent oral hygiene. Most importantly, avoid excess starchy and sugary foods.

Prevention of Tooth Rotting.

Even though tooth-rotting seems to be a common challenge, it is preventable. The best method of keeping away from rotten teeth is through maintaining healthy gums and teeth. It is possible through the following:

1. A regular visit to the dentist.

Based on your gums, teeth, and mouth conditions, your dentist will recommend how frequent you will need to visit him or her.

2. Reduce starchy and sugary meals.

If you cannot avoid these meals, consider taking them in low quantities, especially before going to bed. Even some medications may contain sugar. Hence, it is paramount to seek for sugar-free options.

3. Avoid excessive alcohol and smoking.

Tobacco interferes with the production of saliva. Saliva keeps the teeth and mouth clean. On the other hand, alcohol may accelerate tooth enamel’s erosion. If you persistently experience dry mouth, reach out to your dentist. Medical conditions and medicines could be the risk factors for dry mouth.

4. Maintain regular oral hygiene.

Properly brush your teeth with toothpastes containing fluorides at least twice a day. Besides, use an inter-dental brush and floss each day.

If you or your loved one is suffering from ant dental concerns, periodontal diseases, or rotten teeth, contact Smile Angels of Beverly Hills today.

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