Back to School: Dental Exam for Your Children by Los Angeles Children Dentist
Beverly Hills Children Dentist

Back to School: Dental Exam for Your Children by Los Angeles Children Dentist

The American Dental Association stated that tooth decay causes American children to lose millions of hours of education every year and causes pain in children as well. The ADA also stated regular dental exams are just as important as children receiving vaccinations and shots. The American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics suggest children should receive regular back to school dental exams. Los Angeles Children Dentist, Bruce Vafa DDS. offers a gentel touch for all your children dental needs.

Parents are very busy when the end of summer approaches and children are getting ready for the approaching school year. Back to school shopping, physicals, and school supplies are what most parents are concerned with toward the start of school. However, back to school dental exams are an important part of preparing children for going back to school. Back to school dental exams are important because they can prevent children from missing school if there is a problem with their teeth.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry suggests that children should receive dental check-ups twice per year, so scheduling one before school starts can be beneficial for preventing missed school due to oral health problems. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry also reported that tooth decay is the single most common childhood disease in the United States, and it occurs in children in the United States more than any other infectious disease. Tooth decay is five times more common than asthma, four times more common than early-childhood obesity, and twenty times more common than diabetes.

Untreated oral health problems not only have a negative impact on children’s oral health, but it can also have a negative impact on children’s overall health. If children experience pain from tooth decay and cavities, then they could eating and speaking problems. There is also a risk in children with tooth decay developing infections that can spread to other parts of their bodies. The National Health and Nutrition Examination survey found that 42% of children who are 6 through 19 will develop cavities in their permanent teeth.

Approaching a new school year comes with many tasks for parents. Long lists of back to school supplies, open house at schools, and physician check-ups can be tedious and time-consuming. The importance of scheduling a routine back to school dental check-up is crucial for children. The primary reason children miss school is due to dental problems, which could be avoided if a dentist has the chance to intercept and correct these problems before school starts. Back to school check-ups are the best way to ensure your child will start school with a pain-free and healthy smile.

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