Yearly Archives: 2016
dental visit during pregnancy

Dental Care During Pregnancy – Don’t Skip the Dentist, Especially During Pregnancy

In years past, pregnant women were warned against going to the dentist out of fear for the effects on the unborn child. Today, however, dentists and obstetricians know that proper dental prevention and care is one of the most important aspects of a healthy pregnancy. With notification of the pregnancy and any current medications at each appointment, dentists and their staffs can take proper precautions for the safety of both mother and child.

dental visit during pregnancy

The Importance of Dental Care During Pregnancy

According to the American Dental Association, too many pregnant women are choosing to ignore or self-medicate dental pain rather than seeing a physician. This delay in seeing a medical professional can lead to even more significant and painful issues.

Because of changing hormones in a pregnant woman’s body, gum inflammation, or gingivitis, affects two-thirds of pregnant patients. The swelling can lead to excessive bleeding from the gums, as well as the possibility of trapping food in the enlarged gums. When this inflammation is left unchecked, it can develop into periodontal disease, a complaint that can lead to widespread tooth decay and loss. Not only does this form of gum disease affect the mother for the rest of her life, but gum disease has also been linked to preterm birth.

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dental tips for Valentine's day

Valentine’s Day Dental Tips – 10 Dental Tips for the Perfect Date Night

dental tips for Valentine's day

Everyone knows that Valentine’s Day is a time for love – and dates. This means you want to be able to smile without embarrassment. You want to look real and have some self-esteem when you do part those lips and show those beautiful teeth. You also want to have fresh breath so that you can give that kiss without having to cut it short, or worry about having bad breath.

Get Your Teeth Looking Their Best

If you are concerned about how your smile looks, you can get ready for your Valentine’s date by getting teeth cleaning and teeth whitening at your local dentist’s office. Afterwards, you can have confidence in your smile and you can be sure that your date would be glad to kiss someone with a beautiful smile.

Having white and clean teeth will also help you deal with bad breath. When kissing, it can sure cause things to be cut short – and on Valentine’s Day you don’t want that to happen. This can sometimes be caused with bacteria in your mouth left between brushings because a toothbrush cannot get to it. A cleaning can help remove tartar, plaque and other bacteria that will cause bad breath.

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