How Long Does A Root Canal Take in 2020?
Root Canal 2020

How Long Does A Root Canal Take in 2020?

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal eliminates the bacteria from your infected tooth. Not only will your root canal procedure prevent your tooth from becoming reinfected, but it will also save your tooth. During your procedure, Bruce Vafa DDS will remove the infected pulp. Your tooth is then cleaned and disinfected carefully prior to being filled and sealed.

How Common are Root Canals?

You may be interested in knowing a root canal is a fairly common procedure. If you need a root canal on a molar, you are one of many between the ages of 12 and 64. If you require a root canal for a bicuspid tooth, the procedure is more common among people from 25 to 44 years of age. Root canal causes include a severely decayed or infected tooth.

Why You May Need a Root Canal Treatment

If your tooth is damaged or inflamed beyond repair, a root canal procedure will be necessary to save your tooth. If the nerve of your tooth has been exposed to bacteria, the only way to prevent infections and pain is through a root canal. A holistic alternative to root canal is also available for your needs.

How is a Root Canal Done?

What happens in a root canal proceeds according to the following steps.

  1. Step One: Your dentist must determine you need a root canal procedure.
  2. Bruce Vafa DDS will take an x-ray of the root of your tooth. A pulp vitality test may also be necessary.
  3. Depending on the size of your abscess, you will require either one or two 90 minute appointments.
  4. A microscope attached to the wall will most likely be used to ensure your dentist can clearly view your abscess.
  5. Your tooth will be numbed using local anesthesia prior to your root canal treatment to make certain you remain comfortable.
  6. Once you are numb, a rubber dam will be placed by your dentist over your tooth. This is a metal clamp holding a latex sheet around your tooth. You tooth will stay clean, with no contaminants or saliva.
  7. Your infected nerve is then removed.
  8. Your tooth is cleaned and disinfected
  9. Your tooth is filled.
  10. Your root canal and crown can then be completed. Your root canal is considered minor surgery.

Is a Root Canal Treatment Painful?

If you have heard a root canal is painful, there is no truth to this old myth. Due to a combination of modern anesthesia and technology, your root canal will be fairly quick and easy. The reason you are probably worried is because of the pain you feel before your root canal procedure. Your symptoms are going to be much worse than your treatment. When your tooth is abscessed or infected, you will feel a lot of pain every time you bite down.

Bruce Vafa DDS will write you a prescription for an antibiotic before you have your root canal. This will help ensure you are not in pain during your procedure. Once you have received your anesthetic, your tooth will be completely numb. You should not feel any pain during your treatment. The best part is the success rate for a root canal is 95 percent. Once you have completed your root canal, your tooth can last for the rest of your life.

How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

The length of time necessary for your root canal has significantly decreased due to modern dental technology. Bruce Vafa DDS may be able to complete your root canal therapy in just one visit. Depending on your specific circumstances, two visits may be necessary. The procedure is much more efficient than in the past. Even a holistic dentist can effectively perform your successful root canal. Root canals are performed frequently for many patients in addition to yourself.

If you need either a minor or simple root canal treatment, your procedure will require between 30 and sixty minutes. If your case is more complicated, as long as 90 minutes may be necessary. The progress of your root canal is dependent on numerous factors including how long you can sit still with your mouth open, the specific tooth and the shape of your roots. Bruce Vafa DDS will provide you with treatment both effective and safe.

How Long Does a Root Canal and Crown Take?

As stated above, you initial root canal will require between 30 and 90 minutes depending on the condition of your tooth. To prevent your tooth from breaking, you will require a crown. The crown provides your tooth with the necessary support. Your crown is supported by a post placed inside of your tooth during your root canal. Your tooth will not be stable without a crown. Your procedure will be performed in your dentist’s office under anesthesia.

In most cases, everything can be accomplished by your dentist during the same appointment. If your abscess is severe, you may need a second appointment for filling and sealing your tooth and placing your crown. Your crown is an important part of your root canal procedure.

How Many Visits Do I Need to Get My Root Canal Done?

The number of visits you will require depends on the condition of your tooth. If your tooth is infected, your dentist will prescribe antibiotics. Once you have finished your antibiotics, you will need to return for another visit. In most cases, you will be able to have your root canal completed in with just one appointment.

If your abscess is severe, Bruce Vafa DDS will require more time to work on your tooth. You may need to come back again to have your tooth filled, sealed and crowned. The maximum number of appointments you should need are three including receiving your prescription for antibiotics and completing your root canal.

Root Canal and Crown Cost

Root canal cost in Los Angeles including your filling is generally less than $500. The cost of your crown is approximately $1,300. The average cost of root canal and crown is $1,700 to $2,500. The cost of root canal in Los Angeles is dependent on the severity of your abscess. If you experience a failed root canal treatment, you can expect to pay between $500 and $1,500 for root canal retreatment cost.

[ See: Root Canal Cost with Crown ]

Root Canal Recovery Time

If you are following proper post root canal care, you should be able to chew comfortably and be completely out of pain within one to two weeks. If you are still in pain from your root canal after this time, you may be experiencing root canal complications. Your best option is making a dental appointment with Bruce Vafa DDS as soon as possible to have your tooth checked.

How Long After a Root Canal Can You Eat?

You need to take care of your root canal after your procedure. If you eat the wrong foods too quickly, you can cause damage to your tooth resulting in unnecessary complications. You should wait to eat until you are no longer numb to prevent accidentally biting your tissues or tongue or causing damage to your tooth. Due to the sensitivity of your tooth, you should eat softer food for one to two weeks. Your best options include:

Dairy: Creamy foods are always a good option because you will not have to chew or place any pressure on your tooth. After your root canal, consider yogurt, ice cream, eggs and milkshakes.

Carbohydrates: Your body will require carbohydrates during your healing process. You have a lot of delicious options such as thin pasta, macaroni and cheese and pancakes. Make certain you cut up your food into small bites to make it easier to eat. Your other options include dishes made with thin noodles, oatmeal, rice pudding and cream of wheat.

Fruits: Certain fruits are soft enough to be ideal after your root canal. These types of foods are good for both your overall health and your teeth. The best fruits to choose include peaches, applesauce, bananas and mangoes. To consume maximum nutrients, try a delicious fruit smoothie.

Vegetables: Even if you have never had a root canal, your body still needs vegetables. Do not try to eat anything other than soft vegetables. Your best options are eating either mashed cauliflower or cooked vegetables at a lukewarm temperature. If you own a juicer, you will not injure your tooth by juicing all of your favorite vegetables.

What to Expect After a Root Canal

After your anesthesia has worn off, you may experience some discomfort while you are healing. You may have a little inflammation or swelling present right after your procedure. Your discomfort will most likely be mild and disappear naturally within a few days. You can purchase medication right over-the-counter such as Tylenol, Motrin and Advil to help with your discomfort. You need to avoid biting down on your tooth until it is no longer tender to help your surrounding tissues heal faster.

The reason your dentist placed a crown on your tooth is because it is more brittle after your treatment. Your crown will protect your tooth from the force of chewing. Your molars and bicuspids receive a lot more force than the teeth towards the front of your mouth. Your canines and incisors may or may not require a crown for this reason.

How Long Does Pretreatment for a Failed Root Canal Take?

If you take good care of your teeth, your root canal can last for the rest of your life. There is a small chance your root canal will not heal correctly or may become diseased or painful several years after your procedure. Your pretreatment should be completed in one to two 90 minute visits. If your tooth has developed any issues or does not heal correctly, you have another chance to save your tooth. You can have Bruce Vafa DDS perform another procedure to enhance healing that may save your tooth.

If you are experiencing any discomfort or pain two weeks after your procedure, you need to make an appointment with your dentist. The good news is 95 percent of all root canals are successful. If your root canal treatment was not successful, you will most likely feel pain. The reasons this can occur include:

  • Your restoration starts to leak
  • The sealing material or your tooth breaks down over time
  • Your tooth has vertical cracks
  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Your tooth has an extra canal your dentist was unable to see due to an obstruction like a curved root. In this instance, your canal is unable to be cleaned correctly.

If you are in pain, it may be the result of a missed canal. Your tooth will need to be opened by your dentist to remove you filling, and an attempt will be made to locate your canal. If there is a vertical fracture in your tooth, it will need to be extracted. If you are experiencing consistent infection or pain after your root canal, you may need to have a root-end resection. The symptoms of failed root canal include pain, discharge and swelling.

Holistic Alternative To a Root Canal

Your holistic dentist can offer you potentially more effective and safer options to a root canal. Your dentist will first have to determine the extent of deterioration in your tooth. Depending on your specific circumstance, your holistic dentist may recommend using a dental implant to replace your entire tooth. Dental implants are constructed of extremely strong materials including zirconia and titanium. Your dental implant will be secured right to you jawbone to ensure it last for a long time.

Your dental implant will encourage tissue and bone growth just like your natural tooth. If you care for your implant properly, it may last you for the rest of your life. For more information regarding holistic options for a root canal, please visit alternatives to root canals.

Your Best Option for A Root Canal

If you are experiencing any pain or inflammation with any of your teeth, you should call Bruce Vafa DDS as quickly as possible to schedule an appointment. You will be provided with the best possible care to ensure your dental issues are addressed quickly and efficiently.

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