12 Tips for Better Oral Health

12 Tips for Better Oral Health

You can refine your oral health from just good to ideal in a variety of ways. It doesn’t matter whether people tell you your teeth are perfect; you have to practice perpetual care if you want them to stay in good, healthy condition.

Below are some tips you can use to improve your oral health:

1. Use fluoridated water for drinking and brush your teeth with fluoride-containing toothpaste

Water is mandatory for your general well-being, and toothpaste is not dismissable in dental hygiene. When fluoride gets added to any of these two components, it aids in the prevention of tooth cavities, as well as strengthening your tooth’s enamel.

Drinking water after meals can also help with ridding teeth of acidic, sticky food particles that may cause tooth decay.

2. Plan visits to the dentist at least twice a year

Your habits may be crucial in determining your oral health but, you need to see a dentist at least twice a year, no matter how hygienic you are. These visits to the dentist are crucial for checkups and professional cleaning.

3. Stick to regular oral hygiene practices as recommended by professionals

Some of the most crucial dental practices that will ensure your oral hygiene is at par include brushing your teeth twice a day using a clean brush. You can clean your brush by rinsing and allowing it to air dry. Ensure you replace your toothbrush regularly.

4. Cease from using tobacco products and alcohol

Heavy alcohol consumption and tobacco use are responsible for numerous oral conditions. Alcohol with a high sugar and acid content causes cavity and also results in discoloration.
On the other hand, tobacco is the #1 cause of oral cancers. In fact, smokers are 6x more likely to suffer from throat or mouth cancer than smokers.

5. Consult a healthcare provider if your mouth is getting dry from taking medication

If you are on a medication causing a dry mouth, ask your doctor to switch to one that doesn’t. If this is impossible and you cannot avoid dry mouth, hydrate by drinking water in plenty. Avoid imbibing, smoking tobacco, and only indulge in sugarless gum.

6. If you have diabetes, work hard to ensure this condition is under control

If you keep diabetes under control, you stand a better chance at decreasing such complications as gum disease. You can lower the level of sugar in your blood by treating gum disease.

7. Contact your doctor if you notice an unusual smell or shift in taste

A strange smell or a sudden change in taste may indicate an onset of oral complications, including tooth decay. Contact your dentist as soon you discover them.

8. Use mouthwash

Mouthwash is necessary for the maintenance of good oral health. Mouthwash can help reduce acid levels in the mouth, clean areas that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush, and re-mineralize your teeth.

9. Reduce your acidic and sugary food intake

As we mentioned before, acidic and sugary foods are responsible for plaque which causes tooth decay.

10. Brush your teeth every night before retiring to bed

Brushing your teeth before bed is the best to remove plaque and germs from the day’s accumulation. Don’t neglect this routine if you want healthy teeth.

11. Use proper techniques to brush your teeth

Not only is brushing your teeth important, but you also need to do it the right way. Use a soft-bristled brush, and brush at 45º starting from your gumline. Then brush the outside and inside of your teeth and over your molars. Lastly, brush your tongue and gums.

12. Floss regularly

Don’t leave out flossing in your oral hygiene regimen. Flossing is a very effective way of cleaning your teeth, stimulating the gums, and reducing plaque.

If you need more information on oral hygiene and what you should do to improve it, contact our experienced Smile Angels of Beverley Hills specialists.

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