zom teeth whitening

What is the Best Teeth Whitening Method?

Are you looking for zoom teeth whitening in Los Angeles area? If your teeth have become dull and yellow over the years, you can know that they can be made to look white and fresh again. Teeth whitening systems have gotten even better, and now you can obtain white teeth that will stay white for

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anti-aging dentistry

What is Anti-Aging Dentistry? What Are the Benefits

Anti-Aging Dentistry in Los Angeles & Beverly Hills, CA As people grow older, the years will become clearly reflected in the face. The characteristics of youth slowly disappear. It can be seen in the shape of the face as it loses its fullness, which affects your smile. The reason for some of this change is

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Orthodontics vs. Invisalign? Which One Is Right for Me?

When people have wanted to have their teeth, or their children’s teeth straightened, braces was always the way to go. Braces, or orthodontics, were the standard method, and then Invisalign came along. This now popular method offers an invisible alternative to braces, but it may not be for everyone. Here are some things you need to know to help you determine which treatment is best for you.

The Purpose of Braces and Invisalign

When teeth are crooked, or need to be rotated for a better function or appearance, braces or Invisalign can be used. Both of them can also be used to correct problems with the bite, and both of them will do equally well in performing these tasks.

The Appearance

The primary difference between orthodontics and Invisalign is that braces are often highly visible, but Invisalign is made to remain out of sight. Other than this, they both can accomplish the same goal.

When Orthodontics Is the Right Choise

Orthodontics is usually the less expensive option. Besides that, they are clearly visible and appear as a silver-colored wire across the top teeth, and another one running across the bottom teeth. Other colors and designs can be selected. They are glued in place, and need to remain there for about two years for the average person. Braces have an advantage in that they are often used as the preferred method when dental issues are more severe. They are able to fix problems such as correcting teeth that are crooked and also in closing gaps between teeth. They can also do it in a rather short period of time.

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dental visit during pregnancy

Dental Care During Pregnancy – Don’t Skip the Dentist, Especially During Pregnancy

In years past, pregnant women were warned against going to the dentist out of fear for the effects on the unborn child. Today, however, dentists and obstetricians know that proper dental prevention and care is one of the most important aspects of a healthy pregnancy. With notification of the pregnancy and any current medications at each appointment, dentists and their staffs can take proper precautions for the safety of both mother and child.

dental visit during pregnancy

The Importance of Dental Care During Pregnancy

According to the American Dental Association, too many pregnant women are choosing to ignore or self-medicate dental pain rather than seeing a physician. This delay in seeing a medical professional can lead to even more significant and painful issues.

Because of changing hormones in a pregnant woman’s body, gum inflammation, or gingivitis, affects two-thirds of pregnant patients. The swelling can lead to excessive bleeding from the gums, as well as the possibility of trapping food in the enlarged gums. When this inflammation is left unchecked, it can develop into periodontal disease, a complaint that can lead to widespread tooth decay and loss. Not only does this form of gum disease affect the mother for the rest of her life, but gum disease has also been linked to preterm birth.

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dental tips for Valentine's day

Valentine’s Day Dental Tips – 10 Dental Tips for the Perfect Date Night

dental tips for Valentine's day

Everyone knows that Valentine’s Day is a time for love – and dates. This means you want to be able to smile without embarrassment. You want to look real and have some self-esteem when you do part those lips and show those beautiful teeth. You also want to have fresh breath so that you can give that kiss without having to cut it short, or worry about having bad breath.

Get Your Teeth Looking Their Best

If you are concerned about how your smile looks, you can get ready for your Valentine’s date by getting teeth cleaning and teeth whitening at your local dentist’s office. Afterwards, you can have confidence in your smile and you can be sure that your date would be glad to kiss someone with a beautiful smile.

Having white and clean teeth will also help you deal with bad breath. When kissing, it can sure cause things to be cut short – and on Valentine’s Day you don’t want that to happen. This can sometimes be caused with bacteria in your mouth left between brushings because a toothbrush cannot get to it. A cleaning can help remove tartar, plaque and other bacteria that will cause bad breath.

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emergency dentist Los Angeles 24/7

What to Do When You Have a Dental Emergency

While an injury to your gums or teeth may not be life-threatening, dental emergencies should never be ignored. Ignoring a problem like a chipped tooth or a lost crown can lead to discomfort, pain, permanent damage, or the need for more extensive and costly treatment down the road.

When you’re faced with a dental emergency, you can take the steps below until you’re able to see your dentist.

Knocked-Out Tooth

When a permanent tooth has been knocked out, it’s important to keep the tooth moist. If the tooth is allowed to dry out, it can’t be saved. Handle the tooth with care; do not scrub the tooth, wrap it in tissue, or touch it anywhere but the crown to minimize damage. After retrieving and rinsing the tooth under running water, you can try to place it back in the gums. Don’t try to force it in place, however. If the tooth can’t be reinserted in the gums, you can store it in a container of milk or, if possible, a special tooth-preserving liquid like Save-a-Tooth.

The sooner you see your dentist, the greater the chances that the tooth can be saved. Your dentist may be able to restore the tooth back to the socket if you’re treated within one hour.

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Orthodontics Beverly Hills, CA

Best Orthodontics services in Beverly Hills, CA

What is orthodontics?

In the same way as there are specialties in different fields of medicine such as neurology or ophthalmology, dentists also have the choice to specialize. Orthodontics is a dental specialty which deals with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of facial and dental irregularities.
Orthodontics mainly deals with improper positioning of teeth. A person may have overcrowded teeth, an overbite, underbite, crooked teeth or jaw misalignment which can lead to speech or eating problems. It is in such cases that orthodontic treatment is recommended to slowly change teeth positioning to be straight and aligned.
Orthodontists are qualified dentists who embark on an additional three years of university level study and gain extensive clinical experience in an orthodontic practice.
A major dilemma people have when experiencing teeth problems is whether to go to a dentist or orthodontist. Well, it boils down to what kind of treatment you need. Both specialists have a valuable role in maintaining your dental health and will often work together to offer holistic treatments. If your dentist thinks you need orthodontic work, he or she will refer you to a specialist orthodontist. A dentist can help with general dental, cosmetic work or extraction of a tooth to complement orthodontic work.

Orthodontics Beverly Hills, CA

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beverly hills dental emergency

What to do??? I Have an Emergency Dentistry in Beverly Hills, California

beverly hills dental emergency

A person should be patient with many of life’s processes, but urgent dental care is not one of them. If you are suffering from a tooth problem, you know how frustrating it is to get on the list for an appointment with a regular dental office. Your appointment may be a week or month away, but you need help ASAP. If you’re in pain, you do not see waiting as a favorable option. An emergency dentist may be solution you need to alleviate your pain and get back on track with life. Visit our emergency dentistry page to make an appointment now.

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when to start brushing baby's teeth

Protecting and Caring for Baby’s First Teeth

when to start brushing baby's teeth

There is nothing more exciting to a parent than witnessing the growth of a baby’s first tooth. The joy that is felt when the tiny tooth pokes through the gums is unexplainable. As teeth begin to emerge, parents become concerned about how to best care for their baby’s teeth. One of the first actions that needs to be taken is to get a top dentist who has vast experience working with pediatric dentistry. Dr. Bruce Vafa, DDS and Smile Angels of Beverly Hills can help parents protect the teeth of their precious babies.

Parents should create a routine for caring for their baby’s oral health. This routine can begin months before the first sign of a tooth appears. Parents can begin with caring for and protecting their baby’s gums. Although the gums may not be as exciting as the baby’s first teeth, gums are important to a baby’s oral health. They need to be cared for as much as the teeth because healthy gums create healthy teeth.

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flossing and brushing importance

Brushing and Flossing 101: What Every Patient Should Know

flossing and brushing importance

In addition to visiting the dentist regularly, people should learn how to properly care for and maintain their oral health. Two of the primary ways to maintain a healthy mouth is brushing and flossing teeth correctly.

Proper brushing and flossing can enable your teeth to last for years. Not only do these actions keep the breath fresh, they also have been shown to prevent tooth decay and cavities.

Since these are daily routines, many people go through the motions and complete these activities without a second thought. In the midst of the morning rush, brushing and flossing are frequently done incorrectly and ineffectively.

Dr. Bruce Vafa, top Beverly Hills dentist, recommends that people learn and use the proper techniques of brushing and flossing. The benefits of brushing and flossing are experienced when done correctly. It is just as important as visiting the dentist twice a year for routine check-ups. Dr. Vafa recommends the following tips for successful brushing and flossing.

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